Learning And Development Materials

Why is Personalization Important for Online Language Learning?

Why is Personalization Important for Online Language Learning?

Just like snowflakes, no two people are exactly alike, and while this has different implications in different contexts, today we’re going to talk about how this affects language learning. It comes down to paying attention–humans have a hard time staying focused on things that are not interesting to them.  And it is impossible to learn

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Overcome Language Barriers

The Impact Of Digital Transformation On Language Training

The term “digital transformation” is nothing new and has been used in various contexts for some time. Our current global pandemic is forcing cities and entire countries to adopt policies of social distancing, accelerating digital transformations, and requiring organizations and institutions to adapt fast. Digital transformation is the process in which an organization adopts a

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Success of Maryland Uni

Highlighting the Success of the University of Maryland

A swift end to in-person classes was the furthest thing from any of our minds as 2020 began. Then, like a perpetual domino effect, schools and universities were forced to shut their doors. Next, came the scramble to find the right online learning platforms to supplement (or temporarily replace) in-person, face-to-face instruction. Currently, program administrators

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Globe Image

6 Benefits of Online Learning for Educational Institutions

Looking at current data from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), seventy percent of the world’s student population (children and adults) has been impacted by COVID-19 related closures. Put another way, that’s 1.2 billion learners in 153 countries. (Image courtesy of UNESCO) This global pandemic and the sudden shift to online learning

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