個人情報保護方針 | Privacy Policy
English follows Japanese
1. 個人情報の取得・利用・提供
2. 個人情報の安全対策
3. 個人情報に関する苦情および相談について
4. 法令、規範の遵守
5. 個人情報保護マネジメントシステムの継続的改善
個人情報保護に関する苦情・相談窓口 個人情報保護担当
TEL: 050 3503 2336
E-mail: [email protected]
制定日: 平成22年4月1日
改定日: 令和2年4月1日
James Conway, CEO
1. 個人情報の取得と利用目的
(1) 受託業務において取扱いを委託されている個人情報
(1) 本人から直接書面によって取得した個人情報(開示対象個人情報)
1. 開示等のお申出先(送付先)
大阪府, 堺市北区中百舌鳥町5-669-1-202
ジャパンマーケットパートナー 個人情報保護管理者 研修企画部 James Conway
2. 提出すべき書面等
a. 請求書
b. 本人確認書類
3. 代理人による開示等の請求
a. 親権者、未成年後見人の場合
b. 成年後見人、任意後見人、保佐人、補助人の場合
c. 任意代理人の場合
4. 手数料
5. 当社からの回答方法
6. 開示等の請求に伴って取得した個人情報の利用目的
7. 開示等の請求に応じられない場合について
以下の場合は、ご本人様からの開示等のご請求に応じられません。 当社において、不開示とする等の対応を決定した場合は、ご本人様に、その旨理由を付記してご通知申し上げます。 なお、不開示とする場合等についても所定の手数料を頂戴いたします。
2. 個人情報に関する苦情について
ジャパンマーケットパートナー James Conway, CEO
所在地: 〒591-8023 大阪府, 堺市北区中百舌鳥町5-669-1-202
個人情報保護管理者 研修企画部
電話番号: 050 3503 2336 (月曜日から金曜日の 10:00〜17:00)
E-mail: [email protected]
1. SSL(Secure Socket Layer)について
2. Google Analyticsの利用について
当社は当サイトの管理や利用状況の分析のためGoogleによるアクセス解析ツールGoogle Analyticsを利用しています。
Google Analyticsは、クッキー(Cookie)※を利用して、ウェブサイトへのアクセス情報を個人を特定することなく匿名のトラフィックデータを収集しています。
この際、IPアドレス等のユーザー情報の一部が、Google Inc.に収集される可能性がありますが、お客様は本サイトを利用することでCookieの使用につき許可を与えたものとみなします。
尚、詳細につきましては、Google Analyticsサービス利用規約によって定められていますので以下ご参照下さいませ。
Google ポリシーと規約:https://www.google.com/intl/ja/policies/privacy/partners/
Personal Data Protection Policy
We recognise that the protection of personal data is an important social responsibility in the conduct of our business. We are committed to ensuring that our directors and employees are aware of the importance of personal data and to ensuring that the following principles are adhered to
1. Acquisition, use and provision of personal information
The Company will handle personal information appropriately within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use set out in the business above. We will also strive to keep the information accurate and up-to-date.
We will obtain your consent, in writing or by alternative means, as to the purposes for which we will use and handle the personal information of our employees and the personal information we collect at the time of recruitment.
Whenever we collect any personal information, we will do so in a manner that is appropriate to the nature and scale of our business and will make clear the purpose for which the information will be used at the time of collection.
Except as required by law, we will not use personal information in our possession for any purpose other than that for which it was collected, and we will take steps to prevent the use of personal information for any other purpose.
We will not disclose or provide personal information to any third party without the consent of the individual concerned.
2. Security measures for personal information
We will take necessary and appropriate safety measures to prevent and correct any leakage, loss or damage of personal information.
3. Complaints and consultations regarding personal information
If you have any complaints or concerns about the handling of your personal information, please contact us at the contact point for personal information.
4. Compliance with laws and regulations
We will comply with all laws and regulations regarding personal information, as well as guidelines and other standards set by the government.
5. Continuous improvement of personal information protection management system
We will establish appropriate rules, regulations and codes of conduct for the protection of personal information, and will operate a management system for the protection of personal information. We will also continue to improve our management system by regularly checking, auditing and reviewing whether it is being implemented appropriately.
Contact details for personal information protection
Complaints and consultation regarding personal information protection Personal Information Protection Officer
Tel: 050 3503 2336
E-mail: [email protected]
Date of adoption: 1 April 2010
Date of revision: 1 April 2020
Japan Market Partner
James Conway, CEO
Handling of personal information
1. Acquisition and purpose of use of personal information
(1) Personal information entrusted to us in the course of commissioned work
(2) Personal information of clients and trainees
Personal information of clients and trainees
Purpose of use
Preparation of language training materials
Processing of grades and output of results
Administration of language training
Preparation of reports on language training results
Liaison with clients
Management of distance learning
(1) Personal information obtained directly from the person in writing (personal information subject to disclosure)
Personal information obtained from employees
Personal information obtained from applicants for employment
Personal information obtained from those who request information and materials
Purpose of use
Personal information of employees
…For various procedures such as payroll, social insurance, benefits, etc., and for personnel and labor management.
Information on applicants for employment
…Used for recruitment management purposes such as contact and guidance.
Personal information of persons making enquiries or requesting information materials
…This information is used to respond to enquiries and requests for information materials.
Procedures for disclosure of personal information and contact for enquiries
1. Procedures for requesting disclosure of personal information
When we receive a request from the person in question or his/her representative for disclosure, notification of the purpose of use, correction, addition, deletion, or cessation of use or provision to a third party (hereinafter referred to as “disclosure, etc.”) of personal information in our possession, we will notify the person in question of the purpose of use. (hereinafter referred to as “disclosure, etc.”) from the person in question or his/her representative, we will respond to the request to a reasonable extent.
1. Address for requests for disclosure, etc. (mailing address)
The Company will comply with laws and regulations, national guidelines, and other standards regarding personal information.
Address: 591-8023
5-669-1-202 Nakamozu-cho, Kita-ku, Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture
Japan Market Partner Personal Information Protection Manager James Conway, Training and Planning Department
2. Documents to be submitted
If you wish to make a request for disclosure, etc., please download the following request form, fill in the prescribed items, and send it by post to the address above, enclosing one of the following identification documents.
a. Request Form
Personal Information Disclosure Request Form (PDF)
Request Form for Notification of Purpose of Use of Personal Information(PDF)
Request Form for Correction of Personal Information(PDF)
Request Form for Suspension of Use of Personal Information(PDF)
Letter of Proxy(PDF)
b. Identity verification documents
Copy of driving licence (*Please black out the registered domicile column)
Copy of passport
Copy of health insurance card
A copy of your pension book
A copy of basic resident registration card with photograph
3. request for disclosure by proxy
If the person making the request for disclosure, etc. is a legal representative of the person in question or a representative authorized by the person in question, please enclose the following documents in addition to those listed in the preceding paragraph.
a. In the case of a person with parental authority or a guardian of a minor
A Copy of your family register or a copy of your insurance card showing your dependents
b. If you are an adult guardian, voluntary guardian, conservator or assistant guardian
Certificate of registered matters of guardianship (obtained from the Legal Affairs Bureau)
c. In the case of a voluntary representative
A letter of attorney (with the customer’s own seal affixed)
A certificate of the customer’s seal impression
4. commission fee
Please enclose a postal money order in the amount of 500 yen.
5. How we will reply
We will reply in writing to the address indicated by the requestor.
6. Purpose of use of personal information obtained in connection with a request for disclosure, etc.
Personal information obtained by the Company in connection with a request for disclosure, etc. shall be handled only to the extent necessary for the work of disclosure, etc. All documents submitted in response to a request for disclosure will be disposed of within six months of the completion of the Company’s response. 7.
7. When we cannot respond to your request for disclosure
We will not be able to respond to your request for disclosure in the following cases In the event that we decide not to disclose the information, we will notify the person in question with the reason for the decision. In addition, the prescribed fee will be charged even in the case of non-disclosure.
In the event that we are unable to confirm the identity of the person making the request due to a discrepancy between the address provided and the address registered with us.
In the case of a request made by a representative, the right of representation cannot be confirmed.
If the prescribed request documents are incomplete and the applicant has failed to respond to our request to rectify the incompleteness.
If there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property or other rights or interests of the person concerned or a third party.
If the retained personal data has already been disposed of or erased.
the personal data in question does not constitute personal data subject to disclosure for reasons such as the fact that it is scheduled to be deleted within six months of its acquisition
If there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper conduct of our business.
The disclosure of personal information falls under any of the other reasons for refusal set out in the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information”.
2. Complaints about personal information
If you have any complaints about our handling of personal information subject to disclosure, please contact us by e-mail, telephone or mail at the following address.
Contact for enquiries about personal information
James Conway, CEO, Japan Market Partner
Address: 5-669-1-202 Nakamozu-cho, Kita-ku, Sakai City, Osaka 591-8023, Japan
Personal Data Protection Manager Training and Planning Department
Telephone number: 050 3503 2336 (Monday to Friday, 10:00-17:00)
E-mail: [email protected]
About our website
1. About SSL(Secure Socket Layer)
This website uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology to protect your personal information and encrypt the communication between the web server and your web browser.
2. Use of Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics, a web analytics tool provided by Google, to help us manage and analyse the use of our website.
Google Analytics uses cookies* to collect anonymous traffic data on your visit to our website without identifying you personally.
By using this website, you are giving Google Inc. permission to use the cookie.
By using this website, you consent to the use of cookies. For further information, please refer to the Google Analytics Terms of Service.
Google Analytics Terms of Service: https://www.google.com/analytics/terms/jp.html
Google Policies and Terms: https://www.google.com/intl/ja/policies/privacy/partners/
A cookie is an industry standard technology that allows us to identify your computer. You can disable cookies on your computer by changing the settings on your browser, but this may prevent you from using all or part of the Web Access service.